Roadmap | Webinity

The building blocks of our vision

Below is a detailed roadmap that lays out the present and a little sneak-peak into the future. We are constantly growing and expanding, building something unique and powerful. Have a look at what is planned for 2023 and for the future.

In Progress
In Progress

Mobile version of Client's dashboard

Automated payments for work hours exceeding the subscription plan in the current billing period

Webmasters creating their own tasks and sending notifications


Summary of time exceeding subscription plan in the past (previous months)

Monthly reports of all actions taken on your website

WordPress and WooCommerce knowledge base

Option of multiple e-mail addresses being assigned for contact to a single website/Client account


Native Webinity iOS and Android app

Integration of AI solutions to enhance content creation for your website

Basic courses on cybersecurity related to WordPress and WooCommerce based websites

Developers marketplace