Forced to administrate your company’s website?


Most companies do not have an onboard webmaster or developer dedicated to administration of its website, or in worse case, its e-commerce platform. In such cases it is usual for an inexperienced and unqualified employee of the company to end up being assigned with a task of administering it, and this always ends up with mixed results at best and a complete disaster more often. It is highly ineffective, leads to frustration of the employees, and thus to a waste of both time and budget.

There are countless Clients who started using our plans because of this very reason. These companies had one of their employees, who had their daily tasks (agreed on within their Contracts) to fulfill and yet on top of it they were assigned with the company’s website administration, even though they already had limited time and no previous experience in using Content Management Systems (CMS), or web development. This resulted in websites not being updated, having no backups, and tasks that would take minutes (if done by developers) to actually take long hours and often impact companies image online, as critical errors that sometimes occurred led to websites’ being down for hours or days.


Until now there was barely any alternative on the market for the aforementioned employee to be able to propose as a better solution to their superiors, apart from contacting freelancers or software houses. However, here is where we come in as Webinity. We have created the first system dedicated strictly to manage all tasks and business aspects related to your website. We offer website administration plans for WordPress & WooCommerce and have already proved how we can reduce web development time by 75% and cut the expenses of entrepreneurs by almost 67%.

How it works

Choose and subscribe to one of our website administration plans. We offer different plans depending on your needs, frequency of changes you would like to make on your website, the amount of monthly backups, and additional development time you can use for us to implement new functionalities on your request.

Add your website to our system and see how your life gets easier as we take care of your website, while you can fully focus on other duties.

You can also find out more about our services by checking our Plans and FAQ.

10 benefits of having your WordPress and WooCommerce website secured

How we reduced web development time and cut the expenses of entrepreneurs by 67%